Lake Greenwood Water Levels: Rising, Falling, or Stable?


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Lake Greeson: A Hidden Treasure with a Changing Face

Have you ever wondered why some lakes seem to perpetually hold a serene smile, while others battle constant waves and changing tides? Lake Greeson, nestled amidst the heart of Arkansas, is one such enigmatic body of water. Known for its pristine beauty and bountiful fishing, this hidden gem is facing a curious dilemma - its water level is on a rollercoaster ride.

Ever wondered what it would be like to paddleboard alongside playful otters, their sleek bodies slicing through the water's mirror-like surface? Or to watch bass playfully chase bait, casting shimmering ripples across the lake?

Lake Greeson was once a sprawling reservoir, covering over 12,000 acres and offering endless opportunities for boating, fishing, and water-skiing. But recent years have seen a unsettling dance with water levels. Periods of drought and fluctuating rainfall have led to the lake fluctuating between highs and lows, impacting the activities available and the overall experience.

Did you know? The average depth of Lake Greeson is just over 20 feet, making it one of the deepest natural lakes in Arkansas. But even the deepest lake can't escape the whims of changing weather.

This dynamic behavior raises concerns for the future of this cherished natural resource. Local authorities are monitoring the situation closely, implementing measures to mitigate the impact on aquatic life and recreational activities. While the future of Lake Greeson's water level remains uncertain, one thing is clear - this lake is a treasure worth preserving.

So, join us on a journey to explore the hidden beauty of Lake Greeson, delve deeper into the intricacies of its fluctuating water levels, and discover the resilience of this remarkable ecosystem. Stay tuned for our next article where we delve into the efforts being undertaken to ensure the sustainable future of thisArkansas gem!

Lake Greenwood Water Levels: Rising, Falling, or Stable?

Lake Greenwood's water levels, a vital resource for the Greenville, SC community, have been a concern for locals lately. Understanding the current situation and future projections is crucial for planning and resource management.

Current Water Level Status

As of October 27, 2023, Lake Greenwood's water level stands at 362.45 feet above sea level. This level is slightly above the historical average for this date, but significantly lower than the record high of 364.3 feet recorded in 2019.

Factors Affecting Water Levels

Lake Greenwood's water levels are influenced by a combination of factors, including:

  • Rainfall: The quantity and distribution of rainfall in the watershed significantly impact lake levels.
  • Dam operations: The S.C. Department of Natural Resources adjusts water releases from Lake Hartwell upstream to manage downstream water levels.
  • Evapotranspiration: The amount of water lost to evaporation and plant transpiration.

Recent Trends and Projections

Over the past month, Lake Greenwood's water levels have been slowly rising, benefiting from increased rainfall in the area. However, future projections indicate a potential return to lower levels in the coming months.

Potential Impacts of Water Level Fluctuations

Varying lake levels can have significant impacts on local communities:

  • Recreation: Low water levels can restrict boat access and limit opportunities for water-based activities.
  • Agriculture: Low water levels can impact irrigation for crops and livestock.
  • Infrastructure: High water levels can damage dams, bridges, and other infrastructure.

FAQs Regarding Lake Greenwood Water Levels

1. What is the current water level of Lake Greenwood?

  • As of October 27, 2023, the water level is 362.45 feet above sea level.

2. What factors affect Lake Greenwood's water levels?

  • Rainfall, dam operations, and evapotranspiration.

3. Are Lake Greenwood water levels rising or falling?

  • Water levels have been slowly rising in recent weeks.

4. What is the historical average water level for this time of year?

  • The historical average is around 362.3 feet above sea level.

5. What are the potential impacts of changing water levels?

  • Impacts can range from restricted recreation to damage to infrastructure.


Lake Greenwood's water levels are subject to natural variations influenced by weather patterns and dam management. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for planning and adaptation to ensure the sustainable management of this vital resource.